Sunday 20 December 2015

Early Childhood Research Group - round up of 2015

We have updated our Early Childhood Research Group page on the Anglia Ruskin University website with pdfs of our books and our current research projects. We aim to update this blog throughout 2016 to showcase books and researchers and to mention our research-in-progress and highlight seminars and other events.

We're writing this at the end of 2015 and our book of the year is The Child in Society by Hazel R. Wright. Nick Frost, Professor of Social Work at Leeds Becket University described the book as 'perhaps the best multi-disciplinary book yet to be written exploring childhood.' We agree and recommend the book to our BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies students for the second year option module 'Child in Society' and the third year module 'Interdisciplinary perspectives'.

Our research project of the year is the Creative Writing through the Arts project undertaken with Billericay Teaching School Alliance and Royal Opera House Bridge (ROHB). There's a report here in the ROHB The Paths We Take publication (see page 28). We're proud that this project won the BERA/BCF Routledge Taylor and Francis Curriculum Journal prize.

Welcome of the year is to Kay Aaronricks, who joined our early childhood team and has recently taken over the course leadership for BA Early Childhood Studies. She is dynamic and creative and has organised taster events for prospective students - with more to come in 2016 - plus a careers fair for our current students.

Sad goodbye of the year was to our colleague Christine Such, who decided to retire, Christine worked on the very first Early Childhood Studies degree at Suffolk College and worked with us at Anglia Ruskin for more than ten years and led the BA Early Childhood Studies course for most of that time. We were pleased to see Chris again, though, for her graduation ceremony in October - when she was awarded her EdD with rousing applause from her colleagues and students!

That's it for 2015 - but we plan to update our blog throughout 2016. In the meantime you can follow us on Twitter @ecrgARU or join our ECRG Facebook group (it's a closed group so please request to join). Thank you to everyone who has worked with us and supported us this year! Happy Christmas!

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